


What’s CELLab

 CELLab stands for ”Collaborative Evolution Laboratories Leading the acceleration of bioengineering”. Our group was founded in 2016 as a student-led collaborative research group in Keio University. The purpose of our groups is to promote interdisciplinary researches by establishing an innovation hub that supports both basic and advanced research for the development of advanced medical technology to meet medical needs.


Main activities

 CELLab consist of six laboratories have various research fields in Keio University. We have activated mainly thorough student-led study meetings and the seminar sponsored by CELLab.

 The student-led study meetings have been holding once in a week, and the seminar sponsored by CELLab once in a year.

       Student-led study meeting            CELLab seminar


About CELLab’s logo


 This CELLab’s logo represents the image that two cells develop a reaction. Our logo also contains a wish that CELLab will be a innovation hub where more researchers with various research fields can work together to promote interdisciplinary researches.